Like signs we see along the roads that tell us what to do, we see signs along the way on our Holy Week journey that show us the way to Christ.

In our Easter Sunday worship, we celebrate that the work of our salvation is done through the resurrection of Christ from the dead.  But as Jesus told the women at the empty tomb, there is road work ahead.  Our job is to go and tell the Good News. 


Like signs we see along the roads that tell us what to do, we see signs along the way on our Holy Week journey that show us the way to Christ.

In our Good Friday worship, we see heaven and earth intersect at the Cross Road of the cross of Christ, where the sinless Son of God takes away

the sins of the whole world. 


Like signs we see along the roads that tell us what to do, we see signs along the way on our Holy Week journey that show us the way to Christ.

In our Maundy Thursday worship, we remember that we are fed and nourished in our faith journey each time we stop to partake of the very body

and blood of our Lord and Savior, found in the holy food of Holy Communion’s bread and wine.


Like signs we see along the roads that tell us what to do, we see signs along the way on our Holy Week journey that show us the way to Christ.

In our Palm Sunday worship this week, we are reminded that wide road of palms and praises to the Son of David will narrow this week, leading directly to the pain and power of the Cross of Christ. 

Wednesday Evening Lenton Series for March 29

Like signs we see along the roads that tell us what to do, we see signs along the way on our Lenten journey that show us the way to Christ.

In our Lenten worship this week, we are reminded that, unlike other paths in life, Jesus is not a dead end, but a start to life everlasting.