WELCA (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America)
Our Mission
To mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.
Our Purpose
As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and
empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one
another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the
church, the society and the world.
- Woman of the ELCA WELCA at Redeemer meets the third Tuesday of each month year round at 7:00 PM in the parish hall. September through May these regular meetings include devotions, a business meeting, a program, and a time of fellowship. June, July, and August these meetings are craft workshops. In addition to meetings, WELCA:
- Organizes Christmas Bazaar the first Saturday in November to raise money for Welca programs.
- Donates Christmas social ministry in cooperation with shared meal at Redeemer
- Organizes a Christmas Cookie Walk the Sunday of the Christmas Pageant to benefit the current fund.
- Organizes a Christmas outing for Welca members each year.
- Collects grocery store receipts from members to raise money for the current fund.
- Provides financial assistance in purchasing necessary items for the church from bazaar income.
- Purchases lectionary sheet bulletin inserts – the Celebrate – for entire year.
- Purchases and delivers Easter baskets for homebound members during Easter time.
- Organizes an Easter bake sale held on Palm Sunday to benefit the current fund.
- Participates in the Penndel Community Day flea market the first Saturday in June to benefit the current fund.
- Organizes and participates in a Welca summer outing each year.
- June, July, and August are craft workshops crating items to be marketed at the bazaar
- Purchases and delivers gift bags to the homebound members for September Rally Day Sunday.
- Provides and organizes a “God’s Work, Our Hands” project for Rally Day Sunday in September.
- Volunteers for United Way fall initiative for back to school – stuff the bus.
- Leads Thank Offering worship service the Sunday before Thanksgiving Thursday including a Thanksgiving food collection to benefit Redeemer’s food pantry.
- Contributes to Redeemer’s Memorial fund in memory of deceased Welca members.
- Sets up parish hall and provides desserts for funeral reception if family requests
WELCA visit to Andalusia Biddle Estate July 2019