Go, therefore and make disciples… Matthew 28:19-20
Evangelism is a Greek word meaning good news.
The Good News of God’s boundless love in Jesus is meant to be shared with others. We see evangelism in action when God works through us to become witnesses to the love of God in Christ Jesus. The Good News of Jesus changes lives—yours and mine. Have you experienced the Good News of Jesus in your life?
God works through Pastor Mukesh and each of us in the Redeemer community to be vibrant witnesses to the love of God in Christ. We pray for guidance and courage to go where God is leading us.
Evangelism is supported by love and unity. Some of the ways we in the congregation witness God’s love to each other and the community include:

- Prayer Initiatives and Prayer Chain – as we lift up the special concerns of our members, families and friends to God.
- Bible Study – we speak and teach the gospel
- Cards – birthday cards to honor a special day or a note of cheer or condolence during times of sickness and loss.
- Care Packages and Graduation Gifts – to our students to let them know of our prayers of support and to provide chocolate as a balm to the mind and body.
- Special Remembrances – small gifts are distributed after worship on Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Easter, and Christmas.
- Food and Fellowship – cook-offs, picnics, community day flea market, etc. are great ways to build community, to meet others off-line and in person, to experience new foods, and to encounter once again some of the same recipes grandma may have used.
- We open our facility and resources to support the physical and emotional needs of the community.
- We knit blankets for new babies, chemo caps for cancer patients, and sew pillows for the elderly and bedridden.
The ways we use our hands and hearts to demonstrate love for the local community abounds just as God’s love for us abounds.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:35