Sunday Morning Sunday School
We offer opportunities for young and old to strengthen their faith through Bible study.
Sunday school for pre-k through 6th grade is a fun learning experience that encourages children to explore their creativity, strengthen their thinking skills and nurture their service to others.
Our Youth Faith Formation on Sunday mornings are for all ages beginning from age 3 and up. Classes are typically held every Sunday morning. COVID Update: Classes will happen via zoom until we are able to meet in church physically again.
Holy Communion classes are offered to prepare 4-6th graders to receive their First Holy Communion. Class times vary depending on participants.
Confirmation classes (7th and 8th grades) prepares our youth in their knowledge of the church doctrines as well as their Bibles. (class times vary depending on participants)
If you have a child/youth that you would like to obtain their Holy Communion or Confirmation, contact our Faith Formation coordinator, Jessica Hotalen
Vacation Bible School
Each year we have a fun filled evening Vacation Bible School! Despite Covid-19, and not being allowed to meet physically in the building, we will still be having VBS this year. Virtually, of course. This year, our VBS will look a bit different but will still be a great opportunity for children to experience God’s love throughout the week!
SonWest Roundup VBS
August 10 – 14th, 2020
Times will vary based on registration. Class discussions will happen via Zoom.
Register HERE
Any questions contact the VBS Coordinator, Jessica Hotalen
Monday Night Bible Study Class
We welcome everyone who wants to walk in the knowledge of the Lord. You don’t have to be a Bible scholar to participate in these classes. Come as you are, enjoy the fellowship, and open discussions; share your faith experiences, joys and concerns if you feel comfortable.
The group is here for you to support you in prayers and compassion. Join us every Monday evening at 7 p.m. We meet from September until May.
Seniors Bible Study Class
Seniors get-together with Pastor for a Bible Study and fellowship on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month beginning at 10:00am. in Pastor’s office. We meet from September until May. Topics vary from secular to the Bible. If you are a senior or if you have time and would like to join the seniors fellowship group give the church office a call at 215-757-2724.