Social Ministry in Action at Redeemer is committed to fulfilling God’s command to “..Love Your Neighbors as Your Selves…there is no commandment greater” (Mark 12:31 NIV), and “…Whatever you did not do for the least of these, you did not do it for me” (Matthew 25:45 NIV). In fulfilling these commands, we see our neighbors as not only our church members but also those in our local community and the world at large. Some of the ways we fulfill these commands are by providing:
Social Ministry in Action – Members
- Regularly maintaining contact with our members by phone, text, emails and written notes to stay connected and be supportive;
- We offer short-term transportation, delivery of home cooked meals, etc. while any member/family is undergoing extraordinary stresses such as sickness, hospitalization, or the stress of social isolation;
- Make Shut-in and hospital visits when the situation permits.
Social Ministry in Action – Local Community/Global
- Support the Bucks County Housing Authority (BCHA) Penndel Emergency Shelter residents by providing each family with a Gift Card to purchase holiday necessities at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
- Support the BCHA Emergency Shelter residents of both the Penndel and Morrisville locations by providing two gifts for each resident child from their “Wish List”. The children’s wishes are selected from our “Giving Tree” from which members select a child’s gift tag and return the gift wrapped for pick up by the BCHA in time for Christmas distribution. Our generous members respond enthusiastically each year proving approximately 30 gifts for the children.
- Support of Aid to Homeless and Those in Need (AHTN) at Christmas by providing warm fleece lined hoodies and socks to the homeless who attend our December Shared Meal.
- Our Annual Mission Festival Auction raises funds to be donated to Doctor’s Without Borders” for medical care in war torn regions around the world, and AHTN for costs of transportation of homeless individuals to/from shelter locations during code blue events as well as the nightly shared meals throughout the community.
- Our God’s Global Barnyard initiative in conjunction with our Faith Formation students raised funds to purchase animals, bees, tools and training to help a family across the globe become self sufficient. Our current project, Water and Filtration, will facilitate access to safe, clean water.
- Participation in the Lutheran World Relief Effort providing quilts, newborn baby and personal care kits to those in need, most recently the residents suffering from the explosion in Lebanon.